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Advocacy Toolkit : Influencing the Post-2015 development agenda by the Stakeholder Forum date. 2014.05.15 view. 10,537


This toolkit is for civil society and other stakeholder organisations, coalitions and individuals that wish to influence the post-2015 development agenda, including the design of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to equip you with relevant information and tools to enable you to develop and implement an effective post-2015 advocacy strategy. You can either follow its step-by-step approach or simply consult the tips, tools and case studies most relevant to your existing activities.

The advocacy toolkit is divided into two parts:

Part 1: The Post-2015 Development Agenda: What Is It and How Can You Engage?
Provides a full background on the post-2015 processes and identifies key entry points for engagement and influence.

Part 2: Developing a Post-2015 Advocacy Strategy
Guides you through the necessary steps for developing your own post-2015 advocacy strategy, building on the information and opportunities identified in Part 1.

A companion to the toolkit, 'Engaging with the Media' provides a guide to the strategic use of the media and social media in the context of post-2015 advocacy.

 The media guide provides advice and guidance on how to target your messages for broadcast, press and social media; identify and build relationships with journalists; conduct interviews and hold press conferences, in order to deliver your post-2015 advocacy messages to a wider audience.

Both guides provide ready-made tools, templates, case studies and top tips for each stage of your post-2015 advocacy work. They support activities at the national, regional and international levels and cater for all levels of experience in the post-2015 development agenda and in advocacy and media work. Whether you follow each tool and step in turn as a newcomer to the agenda, or only consult those new or relevant to you in order to support a more established programme, we hope they will prove useful to all.

An interactive, online version of the advocacy toolkit will be made available by June, along with translations of all content into French, Spanish and Portuguese. New audiovisual content, updates and analysis will also be provided online, so keep checking www.SD2015.org for more details.

Download the Advocacy Toolkit here.

Download 'Engaging with the Media' here.

Further information:
 Contact: 2015info@stakeholderforum.org / post2015@civicus.org

The SD2015 Programme
 This report is an output of the Sustainable Development 2015 (SD2015) programme, a multi-stakeholder engagement programme run by Stakeholder Forum and CIVICUS, in collaboration with UNDESA. See www.SD2015.org for more information and resources.

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