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Apply by 23rd May to the workshop ''Youth, Music, Knowledge and Action for a Sustainable World'', 4th-6th June, 2014 date. 2014.05.15 view. 10,594


Call for Applications

- Are You a young person (age below 35) with a track record in civic engagement or a Youth Development expert in one of the Member States of Central European Initiative http://www.cei.int/content/member-states?

- Would You like to know more about global sustainable development programs (post2015, Sustainable Development Goals, ..) and explore possibilities toconnect regionally and globally on these topics?

- Would You like to contribute Your creativity, knowledge and workforce to a dynamic global action network for sustainable development?

If Your answer to the questions above is “Yes!”, then IAAI – CEI – Workshop “Youth, Music and Action for a Sustainable World” is an event You should consider to attend!

Apply today to become one of 20 (up to 25, in case of availability of travel co-funding of some participants)global youth leaders from Central and Southeast European region who will start at this workshop a new chapter on regional cooperation in youth led sustainable development action in Central Europe.

Please fill in the Application Form (link) and send it to office@glocha.info by 23rd of May 2014 (chosen participants will be contacted in due time, answers can be expected before Tuesday 27th of May 2014).

Accommodation (and travel) costs of participants will be covered by the organizers based on a CEI Cooperation Fund Grant and support provided by Wikimedia chapters of Central and Southeast European countries (to be confirmed).

For further information please visit: http://www.glocha.info/index.php/latest-news/252-iaai-ceiyouthws-klu2014

Jean Paul
Jean Paul Brice Affana

Head of Youth Programs
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)
P.O Box: 20.387 Yaoundé, Cameroon | Tel: +237 9632 4998 (CMR) and +1 34750 67601 (USA)
Email: jeanpaul@glocha.info | Website: www.glocha.info | Skype: jpbrice1 | Twitter: @jpbrice

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